Friday, October 25, 2013

Keep Pressin' On!


I've had these drug store fake nails sitting in a box for months.  I think I bought them to wear at my sister's baby shower, then when that didn't happen it went to my cousin's wedding, then when that passed I was going to use them for my birthday.  Anyway, I finally made time to put them on for my vacation to DisneyWorld and I'm so surprised that they lasted for two whole weeks!

I called them my Lee Press-on Nails as a running joke the whole time expecting one to pop off in the middle of a business meeting.  I'm pretty impressed they lasted as long as they did.  Near the end there were a few nicks in the paint job due to my bad aim when chopping vegetables - Ouch!  Good thing only the nails get hit!  I ended up taking them off myself, otherwise I'm not sure how long it would've taken for one to fall off.  Pretty good considering all the cooking, cleaning, dish washing, and laundry I do!

I've been so OVER my natural nails breaking all the time lately.  Going "fake" is tempting and so easy!  Anyway, these nails were the Broadway brand, and you can bet I have a bedazzled look coming up next for Halloween!

-Shirley (Mama-Ruff)

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