Friday, March 1, 2013

The Pressure!

No, not cutting my hair.  Symbolic of me cutting ties with my old blog?  Perhaps.

There's so much pressure!  I need to make sure this first post is ready for the limelight when it reaches all 2 of you ;)

I'm extremely excited to release my new mommy, lifestyle blog!   The intent is to have a less inhibited and filtered author running the show because I've often restricted myself in my writing with my previous blog, though I've been getting better.  It's time to kill-off my "watcher at the gate" (my inner critic).  Die you sucker!  So let's get a few things out of the way first:


Damn -

I can't believe I just did that.  

And no, it's not just cuss words that I restrict, so I hope to deliver a more unrestricted sense of motherhood, and my ultimate mission is to just have fuckin' fun with my kids.  (That last cuss really wasn't "me", but this can get addicting LOL)  I'm just going to keep having fun in the blog o'sphere and I hope you join me.

I've spent 3 years now, fighting the stitching of the "motherhood" label only to lay in disgust to eventually realize that the execs over at Nickmom have me pegged.  Damn you Nickmom execs!  I don't wear mom jeans and I didn't cut my hair, but those things didn't prevent me from ACTUALLY BECOMING A MOM and (gah!) and loving my spawn kids.   Now that both of my sons stopped sucking the all the bloody life out of me are not babies anymore, I'm looking at things so much differently, and I can actually declare that I'm fully excited to be a mom! (took me long enough!).  Hell yeah!

Still not cutting my hair though...

I'll probably eat my words later, as I often do, because if you know my sons, you'll know I've got my work cut out for me.  How could I be so excited to raise a pack of ruffians?  The answer can be found in their fangs laughter. Plus - motherhood has finally given me a solid excuse to go on a Disney cruise one day (when I have money again, and when my Hubby accepts that Mickey Mouse is not a symbol of everything that is wrong with America).  Isn't that enough of a reason?

So let's get this blog on the road! - Shirley (Mama Ruff)

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