Monday, March 10, 2014

Life Lessons with Hung Elephants

The elephant was a "big" hit.

A few minutes after this picture was taken, the elephant let out a few big sh!ts and then doused the floor with his pachyderm-piss.  Although the elephant's peenix was HUNG nearly touching the floor, and all the parents were looking away uncomfortably and talking about the weather - I thought this would be a GREAT time for some potty-training re-inforcement (since I'm delighted to announce that Diego has finally acknowledged that thing called a potty!)

"Look at that crazy elephant!" I yelled.  "He's going Pee-Pee and Caca!  Someone tell that crazy elephant that he needs to use the bathroom if he needs to go pee-pee and caca!  Right Diego?"


Reinforcement success.  Another win for mama!

The other parents at the zoo should have been glad that I helped re-inforce potty-training basics.  More-over they should thank their lucky stars I'm not at the "birds & the bees" stage where I'd need to teach Diego about elephants with ginormous peenixes.

-Shirley (Mama-Ruff)

P.S. This was the first outing where Diego went caca in the toilet while we were out!  Was that TMI? Ok, that was too much.  I get it.....

He was anticipating the giraffes.

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