Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm not a 3yr old!

I don't know what it is, but lately my nails have been breaking easier and my hair.... oh my hair..... I mean I never had GREAT hair, but it never gave me big problems growing up.  But now, I'm an old lady and things are going downhill!

So I started taking Biotin supplements right around the time I started my 80% clean eating diet.  It still hasn't been very long, but I feel like my nails are at least a little stronger.  And last week, I couldn't wait for my nails to grow before I bedazzled them.  I had a craving to bedazzle them NOW.  So I picked up some nail stickers from my local store.  I tried to find the most bedazzled, yet work-appropriate ones I could find.  (Does that even exist?  LOL).

My manager and a couple other ladies at work commented on my nails.  According to them, they liked them.  Or did they?  hmmmmm.  It's possible they were just being nice, but I don't care either way.

I've been "wearing" these nails for over a week now.  They're holding up well and I'm quite enjoying them.   They're the Kiss brand.

So I was working 1:1 with my manager today and she mentioned that she stopped by her local store and took a look at the nail sticker options.  She said she found some cool, textured nails that almost feel like fur.  I'm not sure what she was talking about but I thought it was something I would get on board with (what can I say, I'm more daring when it comes to nail fashion).  She said she thought about it for a second, but then decided she wasn't three years old, but it would be something great for me. 

Ouch!  Sounded like a diss, huh?  I don't care though.  I run with my pack of ruffians, the wannabe leader of which is 3 yrs old.

-So if I can't beat 'em, I join them - Shirley (3 yr old Mama Ruff)

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